This past week had a lot of coding in it. Like, a lot. While i enjoy coding much more than playing the slots games on facebook, staring at lines of code all day trying to find the one tiny error that's throwing off all your results and then repeating the process over and over slowly starts to tear at your brain cells. All jokes aside though, I definitely am starting to get a feel of how these games should be looking like in general, which will help for the next few games we are gonna be coding. I actually finished for the most part my first game, meaning that when we run a simulator that spins 10,000,000 times it shows the game will pay the correct amounts and have the correct hit frequency, leading to the desired return to player (RTP). Needless to say, this was a pretty great accomplishment for me, although it was short-lived as I quickly had to move on to the next game, as well as attempt to help Max with his own game since he was a little behind after missing a day due to sickness. Max’s game was actually where most of the tiny little headache inducing problems sprung up. For example, there was just one simple problem in the paytable that neither of us picked up on for what felt like at least an hour.
As far as the facebook game data goes, this week we were told to take notes on the more social aspects of the games. This mainly consisted of noting how and where the game tried to incorporate a sort of competition by comparing your scores with either other players on your friends list, allowing you to send and receive gifts from them, or comparing to random players that play the same games, awarding bonus credits if you have one of the highest scores. As I examined many of the top casino apps, I noticed that most of them had a very very similar method of doing this, which many of you may have seen on other games as well. There was a bar at the bottom of the screen that would show all of your friends’ top scores, and if you clicked on one you could send them a gift.
Anyways, those were the highlights of the week, thanks for reading and see you next week!